APPLICATION FORM FOR ALADURA ORDINATION INSTRUCTIONS - Applicants are required to have the following: 1. Two (2) years after baptism. 2. Regular payments of tithe. 3. At least 75% attendance
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Phone number
Gender MaleFemale
Contact Address
Marital Status SingleMarried
Band RhodaHephzibahFaithSussanahJoanahTruth divineJosephJeremiahEphraimSt. MarkJohn the belovedJamesPre-YouthNone
Proposed unit ChoirDramaVideoTeachersEvangelicalChurch Planting (district)EcumenicalProgramsCharity & WelfareSecretariatFinanceLiturgy & WorshipEducationPhysical Dev. & Project Mgt.SecuritySanctuary keepersVision recordingInterpretersInformation TechnologyMedicalPublic relationTrainingSocial MediaSeedhouseSpecial DutiesVigil committeeService Of SongsBaptismal classBulletinSuccessgateBusiness Investment
Are you born again? YesNo
If yes, When did you become a born-again christian?
Have you been baptized? YesNo
If yes, What year were you baptised?
If yes, Upload baptismal certificate
What year did you joined the church?